Three Locations And Types Of Commercial Refrigeration Repair

Commercial refrigeration repairs happen in three common locations with three typical types of commercial refrigeration. If you currently work in any of these locations, and you notice that your commercial refrigeration unit is not working up to snuff, you will need to call a technician that is skilled in this particular area. Usually, the retailer that sold and installed your business's or company's commercial refrigeration unit also has technicians who can repair all of the following. 

Meat Lockers in Meat Processing Plants

Tens of thousands of pounds of meat, all going bad and rotting simultaneously: that is the picture you get when your meat locker at your meat processing plant loses its ability to freeze meat. A foul stench follows, requiring disposal of all that meat and a thorough cleaning of the affected meat locker. If you or an employee catches the issue early enough, you can leave the meat locker closed up tight to maintain the refrigeration temperatures inside until a technician can arrive and fix the problem. If your plant has another, less-full meat locker, it is advisable that you move the meat from the affected locker to the other locker so that your company does not lose thousands of pounds of meat and thousands of dollars. 

Restaurant Walk-ins

If you own and operate a restaurant, there is a very good chance that you have a walk-in freezer/refrigerator. If food gets too warm here, you are endangering the health and safety of restaurant customers. Be sure to regularly check the thermometers you have placed in your walk-in so that if the temperatures suddenly start to rise, you can call a technician to have that fixed. 


Accurate research relies on having tissue and/or blood samples that are as fresh as possible, and disease samples that are kept very cold and immobile until researchers are ready to use them. If you work in a cryo-lab or another research lab where commercial refrigeration is essential to the viability and safety of the testing samples and workers in the lab, you have to keep a very close eye on the refrigeration units and monitor them for slight changes in temperature. If they start to rise, you have to get clearance to allow a technician to fix things, and then provide protective equipment (if applicable) so that the technician can fix the issues with the unit and research can resume as normal. 

Contact a supplier of commercial refrigeration repair services near you in order to learn more.
